
Darren Dohme : The Race To Improve Food Security – What Can Be Done?

  With the global population projected to reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, many of us are facing questions about how we can ensure adequate food security for everyone on the planet. Today’s current challenges and solutions – from an utter scarcity of natural resources to a mounting reliance on technology – all underscore this pressing need. To meet this challenge, it is critical that we take effective action now to understand food production systems and develop smart strategies for sustainable growth in our agricultural sector. In this blog post, Darren Dohme will examine some of the innovative ways in which countries around the world are striving for greater levels of food security, including investing in research and development programs targeting crops resistant to climate change, utilizing new technologies to maximize crop yields, promoting local economic initiatives focused on grassroots innovation and encouraging efforts at small-scale alternative farming methods such as urb

The Future If Today’s Food Crises Continue Unaddressed - By Darren Dohme

  In an increasingly interconnected and globalized world, the future of food insecurity affects everyone. We are at a turning point in history where if decisive action is not taken soon, we could be facing a bleak future caused by issues surrounding our global food system, including climate change, population growth, and agricultural policies that prioritize profit over people. Researchers estimate that nearly 800 million people experience hunger on any given day – more than ever before in recorded history — and the pace of this crisis is only accelerating. In this blog post, Darren Dohme discusses how current crises related to food insecurity can shape our collective futures unless addressed promptly with innovative solutions rooted in economic equity for all nations.   Darren Dohme Overviews The Future If Today’s Food Crises Continue Unaddressed The future of food security is uncertain if today's food crises continue unaddressed, says Darren Dohme. In 2021, the world&#

The Expected Food Shortage in 2023 by Darren Dohme

WHO and the UN recently reported an expected food shortage in the coming years. While this is not a new issue, the fast pace of this problem spreading globally is genuinely a cause for concern. Pretty soon, foods consumed daily, like eggs, dairy, grains, and flour, will face significant shortage problems.  Moreover, this is not restricted to a specific region. This is a worldwide issue that needs our immediate attention. Darren Dohme wonders how we can prepare for a food shortage soon to hit us. Preparing for Upcoming Food Shortages According to Darren Dohme, food shortage will lead to a surge in prices, and while production will be a major cause of the shortage, so will affordability. The World Food Programme reports that nearly 50 million people in 45 countries are on the verge of famine. This is a shocking number that will drastically keep growing.  The two factors that have played a big role in this sudden rise in the risk of shortage are: The fast pace of global warming that's

4 Ways Big Corporations Can Help Fight Climate Change by Darren Dohme

It is a widely known fact that big corporations hold the reins to the many fronts of the world. They are present in different capacities in every industry and significantly influence worldwide.  Darren Dohme firmly believes that these major corporations are primarily responsible for harming the environment. They have significantly contributed to causing global warming and should be held accountable.  Darren Dohme Suggests 4 Ways Big Corporations Can Fight Climate Change Large-scale organizations have the finances and resources to make impactful efforts that can help the world fight climate change.  Here are some ways Darren Dohme proposes corporations can implement to bring some change: Reduce Carbon Footprint Carbon footprint refers to the impact you leave on the environment through your activities and consumption. Corporations should first look at their carbon footprint to evaluate the damage they are causing to the environment.  Darren Dohme thinks this will help organizations figu